Category:Mid Jet Manufacturer:Beechcraft
429 ktas Cruise Speed
442 ktas Max Speed
27400 lbs Max Payload
5600 ft Takeoff Distance
2800 ft Landing Distance
2570 nm Aircraft Range
Hawker 800A
Typical Seating
8 Passengers
Baggage Capacity
48.0 cu ft
Cabin Dimensions
5.75ft 6.0ft
Cabin Volume: 733.12 cu ft
Hawker 800A
Typical Seating
8 Passengers
Baggage Capacity
48.0 cu ft
Cabin Dimensions
5.75ft 6.0ft
Cabin Volume: 733.12 cu ft
Category: Mid Jet Manufacturer: Beechcraft
429 ktas Cruise Speed
442 ktas Max Speed
27400 lbs Max Payload
5600 ft Takeoff Distance
2800 ft Landing Distance
2570 nm Aircraft Range
Hawker 800A
Typical Seating
8 Passengers
Baggage Capacity
48.0 cu ft
Cabin Dimensions
5.75ft 6.0ft
Cabin Volume: 733.12 cu ft
Category:Mid Jet Manufacturer:Beechcraft
429 ktas Cruise Speed
442 ktas Max Speed
27400 lbs Max Payload
5600 ft Takeoff Distance
2800 ft Landing Distance
2570 nm Aircraft Range

Cost Specification


Cost Per Gallon


Fuel Consumption


Fuel Burn (600 NM)

2,529 Gallons

Operating Costs (Per Hour)



Maintenance Labor




Maintenance Programs


Misc. Trip Cost


Total Variables Cost


Annual Fixed Costs

Insurance (Liability And Hull)


Maintenance Software


Misc. Services


Periodic Costs



Training Costs

Flight Crew


Maintenance Tech


Facilities Costs

Hangar/Office Lease


Misc Office


Personnel Costs







Total Annual Cost

Annual Fixed Costs + (Variable Costs * Hours Flown)


More About Hawker 800A

The Hawker 800A stands as the trailblazer of the illustrious -800 series, a distinguished lineage that includes the Hawker 800SP, 800XP, 800XPi, and 850XP. Revered within the private jet industry, the 800 series continues to set the gold standard in high-performance aviation.

Comparing the Classics: While the 800XP might be the most recognized sibling in this family, the 800A showcases its unique attributes. Though separated by a couple of generations (preceded by the 800SP), these aircraft bear a striking resemblance, particularly in their cabin configurations. Interestingly, the 800A boasts a leaner profile, shedding 600 pounds, and operates with an average fuel burn that’s 30 gallons per hour less than its counterpart, the Hawker 800XP. This disparity in fuel consumption can be attributed to their varying average cruise speeds, with the 800XP surging ahead at 403 knots, while the 800A achieves 95% of that velocity.

Wings of Distinction: Distinguishing the Hawker 800A from the 800XP are its notable winglets, an addition that bolsters stability, especially during turbulent conditions. However, the smooth wings of the 800XP offer reduced drag, enabling higher cruising speeds while consuming less fuel.

Powerful Performer: The Hawker 800A achieves its impressive speeds courtesy of its robust AlliedSignal TFE731-5R-1H engines, each producing 4,200 pounds of thrust during takeoff. While this may be marginally less than its sibling, the 800XP, it remains more than sufficient for an aircraft of its class.

Reaching for the Skies: The Hawker 800A attains its highest cruise speed of 442 ktas at 37,000 feet. When opting for extended journeys, it effortlessly soars to its maximum ceiling of 41,000 feet, maintaining an average speed of 401 ktas. Operating at high speed, the 800A consumes 250 gallons per hour, approximately 68 gallons more than during long-range travel. Its overall fuel burn for an entire flight, encompassing ascent and descent, averages at 261 gallons per hour.

Short-Runway Maestro: One of its standout features is its ability to take off from runways significantly shorter than the standard requirements for international private jet flights. At sea level, a mere 5,032 feet of runway suffices, and even at elevations of 5,000 feet with a temperature of 77°F, it requires just 9,800 feet. Following such a departure, the Hawker 800A achieves an NBAA IFR range of 2,920 miles (2,539 nautical miles), making cross-country flights like New York to Los Angeles or Singapore to Beijing entirely feasible.

Cabin Comfort: The cabin of the Hawker 800A, typically configured with eight seats, offers a four-person club section, a three-person divan, and one forward-facing seat. These seats provide full adjustability and can swivel 360°, ensuring passenger comfort. Various soundproofing options are available, maintaining noise levels typically below 70 decibels. The cabin boasts a pressurization differential of 8.6 psi, enabling a sea-level cabin experience at a maximum of 22,000 feet.

Avionics Advancements: In a pioneering move, the Hawker 800A’s cockpit embraced full digitalization, with all flight information elegantly displayed across five screens. The avionics system, based on the Honeywell SPZ-8000 suite, incorporates GPS, High Frequency communications, GPWS (Ground Proximity Warning System), TCAS II (Traffic Collision Avoidance System), and dual autopilot systems, enhancing both safety and operational efficiency.

Balanced Excellence: The Hawker 800A doesn’t rely on a single standout feature to captivate its audience. Instead, it harmoniously combines various elements that drive private jet sales: fuel economy, exceptional climb and cruise performance, and shorter takeoff distances.

In summary, the Hawker 800A epitomizes a legacy of excellence within British Aerospace’s 800 series. With its remarkable performance, comfortable cabin, short-runway prowess, and state-of-the-art avionics, it continues to be a prime choice for private jet enthusiasts, setting a standard for efficiency, comfort, and versatility in its class. This pioneering aircraft proves that a balanced approach can lead to aviation greatness.

Hawker 800A

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